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Set Some Goals

First, decide on what you want to achieve in your exams before making a study plan for NEET exam. Make sure your goal are challenging but realistic. Also, make sure they’re specific – don’t just decide that you want to do well in NEET Biology, but decide on a rank that you want work towards.

Break It Down

Break down each of your subjects into specific topic areas and figure out how much you need to study in each topic. You can create a checklist for each subject that will help you create your study plan and monitor your progress.

Choose A Study Method and Material When Creating A Study Plan for NEET

NEET study material

For each unit of your individual subject checklist, decide how you want to study. Make sure you are focusing on understanding each topic and also revising that topic regularly since it’ll help you to remember everything for longer duration on time.

Decide On A Time To Study

Now, choose a time that you can study everyday. Whether it is after school, in the morning, or late in the night. Pick a time when you’ll feel focused and ready to study. Make sure to pick a time when no one will disturb you. This is one of the most important aspect of creating a study plan for NEET exam.

Stay Sustainable

Now, just schedule your study sessions into your calendar or planner. Start small if you are not used to studying for longer durations since you might get burned out otherwise. Also, ensure you note down the subject you want to study and the method you’ll use.